Welcome to Year 3/4 White Base
Mrs Knutsen, Mrs Eason and Mrs Wolstenholme welcome you to White Base!
This is our class page, where you will find all the useful information that you will need during your time in our class.
Our day starts at 8.40am when our door will be open for children to come in until 8:50am. Our day ends at 3:20pm.
We love reading books from our year 3/4 reading spine. Regular reading at home really does help your children to become fluent, confident readers. Therefore, we ask that your child completes daily reading at home, of either a levelled book or a book from the classroom or library. The aim is to read a minimum of 5 times in a week for 15 minutes each time. Reading books are changed on Mondays.
We learn a new spelling rule each week which is on the termly homework sheet. You can support your child by playing spelling games and practising writing the spellings - maybe in your fanciest rainbow pens! In addition to this, they will also need to practise key words from the Year 3/4 Spelling List.
Regular times-table practise is really beneficial for your child as they progress in year 3 and 4. They complete a National Multiplication Test at the end of Year 4. TTRockstars and Sumdog is a good place to start: your child will have their own log in.
Indoor PE is on Monday and outdoor PE is on Tuesday.
On these days, children need to come to school in their PE kit which is trainers, black shorts/bottoms, a white t-shirt and black zip up/ jumper or hoodie. Please make sure your child can remove their own earrings or remove these prior to PE on these days.
We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead full of interesting and engaging learning. A new topic is introduced each half term. Your child will receive a Knowledge Organiser of important facts alongside a selection of topic related activities they can complete for homework. During half term four, our topic is called 'Anglo-Saxons: Art & Culture.'
If there is any information that you can't find on our class page, please get in touch with the school office by email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you.