Reignhead Primary School

Reignhead Primary School Reignhead Primary School

Together We Belong, Together We Grow, Together We Succeed


Spelling is taught through daily lessons at Reignhead using the Read Write Inc. programme and it is designed so children repeat and revise spelling rules as they learn spelling rules and patterns through KS1 and 2. We also adopt a rigorous and systematic focus on children learning the key word lists from Years 1-6 to ensure they are accurate and fluent spellers at the point of writing.

National Curriculum

 National Curriculum Spelling Requirements.pdfDownload
 Year 1_2 National Curriculum Spelling List.pdfDownload
 Year 3_4 National Curriculum Spelling List.pdfDownload
 Year 5_6 National Curriculum Spelling List.pdfDownload
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Half Term One Spellings

 Y1 Common Exception words.pdfDownload
 Y2 Common Exception words.pdfDownload
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Half Term 2 Spellings

 Y3_4 Spellings Autumn 2.pdfDownload
 Y5_6 Spellings Autumn 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Half Term 3 Spellings

 Y3_4 Spellings Spring 1.pdfDownload
 Y5_6 Spellings Spring 1.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Half Term 4 Spellings

 Y3_4 Spellings Spring 2.pdfDownload
 Y5_6 Spellings Spring 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2