Reignhead Primary School

Reignhead Primary School Reignhead Primary School

Together We Belong, Together We Grow, Together We Succeed

Compliments and Complaints

We are always more than happy to receive compliments from parents or members of the community when we do something well. If you would like to compliment us, please address any letters or notes to Mrs Fairfax or simply write any comments on one of our feedback slips which are available from the office. 

If you have a complaint, please contact a member of the Senior Leadership Team either by telephone, email or better still in person. We try to be on the playground most mornings and we would much rather discuss any issues as soon as possible so that they can be dealt with immediately. Please download The Parents/Carers' Guide to the Complaints Procedure for more information.

More formal, detailed advice can be found in our Complaints Procedure document which is based on Local Authority guidance.

 Complaints Procedure September 2023.pdfDownload
 Parents Guide to the Complaints Procedure Sep 2023.pdfDownload
 Policy for Dealing with Unreasonably Persistent Complainants and Vexatious Complaints Sept 23.pdfDownload
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